Saturday, August 25, 2018

How Do We Break The Cycle?

Part of this journey and part of the purpose of this blog is to always be honest with oneself. How can you expect to lose the weight if you are lying to yourself? If you always portray yourself in this great light but never show those darker, raw layers; how will you ever fully lose the weight? If you are anything like me, the smallest things can be triggers. This weight didn't get put on overnight so it won't come off overnight. Losing weight is so much more than just shedding pounds, exercising, and eating healthy. It's dealing with all of the emotional baggage and finding healthier ways to cope. How do you cope though when it becomes second nature to eat everything in sight when you are upset? After taking this first week to work on diet and exercise and toppling into a low, it really pulled me to make a post about emotional eating. Unfortunately, I didn't stay strong. I caved and had a really severe binge. I was on the cusp of celebrating a huge non-scale victory for me. How do we break the cycle? How do we say enough is enough?

This couldn't be more true. I'm not letting one bad week or one bad binge completely stop my progress. For me, I plan to channel that emotional hunger into working out. I am working to retrain my brain to be more positive. I lived in a toxic environment for a number of years. I stayed in a toxic marriage for far too long. I've done a number of things that were toxic to my body and mind. It takes so much to overcome emotional hunger. It is so easy to eat your feelings and it is such a challenge to channel that into another outlet. I want to succeed though. I want my body to do incredible things. I want my outside to match how much stronger I am starting to feel on the inside. It is a process but know I will be your biggest cheerleader. Each and every one of you guys. I will be supporting you as loudly as possible. Tomorrow is my weigh in and my day to get back on track. It's a fresh week. The T.K.O. challenge is all about being able to gain a fresh start. It's about not letting a bad week take you down completely. There is always the opportunity to start over, just don't give up. You have life stuff going on and feel that low coming? Email me. Let me be your support system. Let me be your shoulder to help you keep on keepin on.

My Email:

We can lose this weight. Both psychically and emotionally. One pound at a time, one day at a time.

Brightest Blessings Lovelies.


  1. Great post!!! I struggle with emotional eating and it’s a hard problem to break!!! Sometimes I win...sometimes I fail. I think the biggest thing though is recognizing soon as possible. If I recognize it when it’s happening I can sometimes stop myself right there and then! But regardless....don’t let one day or week off emotional eating turn into a month...or a year!!! If YOU need support email me at

  2. Yeah last night my binge was food and alcohol. Feel like shit today but I got some relief from my stress for a little while amd it was worth it

  3. I don't know how many times I am cruising along, doing well, then have a huge stressor fall into my lap, and I fall apart. Emotional eating is a struggle for me as well, and one I need to learn to control if I ever want to reach my goal weight and stay there.

  4. Good for you for getting right back on the wagon. And don't forget we are all here for you too xo
